Lunalilo scholars program
Student Support Programs
The Kapo‘oloku Program for Native Hawaiian Student Success exists to ensure that Kapi‘olani Community College (Kapi‘olani CC) programs and services are equitable for students of Hawaiian ancestry. The program provides a solid foundation for students by reinforcing the importance of education by promoting personal growth and development within the social, community and cultural contexts of Hawai‘i’s history.
Employment Prep Center
The Kapiʻolani Community College Employment Prep Center will educate students in their lifelong career development to lead fulfilling lives that sustain themselves, their communities, Hawaiʻi, and the world. The Kapiʻolani Community College Employment Prep Center supports students to identify and communicate their skills, interests, personality, and values that align with their personal, academic, and career goals. We provide resources and events to help students make informed academic and career decisions. We collaborate with faculty, staff, and our community partners to connect our diverse students and graduates with opportunities.
Service Learning
While Kapi‘olani Service-Learning is a local and national leader, the faculty, staff, and students that manage the program constantly seek innovative and promising ways to better serve the College and support efforts toward a sustainable campus and community. Service-Learning (S-L) is a teaching and learning method that integrates critical reflection and meaningful service in the community with academic learning, personal growth, and civic responsibility.
Student Parents Program
Counselors in the Student Parent Program can assist students with:
Refer you to services on campus and in the community, such as childcare, academic advising, tutoring, and mental health and wellness services
Help you successfully balance academic, work, and family obligations
Connect you to tools and resources intended to help you stay in school and earn your degree or certificate
Kapiʻolani Community College in partnership with the State of Hawai‘i Department of Human Services has created a new program to deliver assistance and support for college and workforce training. The SNAP Employment and Training program is a federally funded program that is designed to help remove barriers and provide students with access to education and skills training opportunities so they can earn a living wage and achieve financial independence. At Kapiʻolani Community College it is called HINET Ho‘ola Ike (gift of knowledge) program.
TRIO assists students to graduate and/or graduate and transfer to a baccalaureate educational institution within four years. This program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and serves 206 students.
Interested students who meet the criteria may contact the TRIO SSS office at 734-9553 or visit ‘Iliahi 113.